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Effective Remedy for Athlete’s Foot

Using Hydrogen Peroxide as an Effective Remedy for Athlete’s Foot (and Other Foot Conditions!)

Toenail & Foot Fungus, Corns And Calluses, Fingernail Infection, Foot fungus

You might be surprised to learn that athlete’s foot isn’t just something that marathon runners and teenage boys catch. In fact, this fungal foot infection affects millions of people each year, and up to 70 percent of people will, at some point, develop it.

athlets foot fungus foot bath

Athlete’s foot, also known as tinea pedis, is a foot fungus that usually begins between the toes and can cause a scaly rash, itching, burning, and redness. It’s generally caused by coming into contact with infected people or items such as towels, a shower floor, or a swimming pool. Combine an exposure with sweaty socks or tight, damp shoes and you’ve got the perfect recipe for infection.

Treat Athlete’s Foot and Toenail Infections With This Home Remedy

Before running to your local pharmacy to buy an over-the-counter athlete’s foot treatment, try using this little-known fungal solution: hydrogen peroxide 3%. This common household disinfectant is a miracle worker when it comes to foot fungal infections, nail infections, and even corns and calluses.

Hydrogen peroxide 3% works through oxidative therapy, which acts as a strong antifungal treatment. As the oxygen levels increase, the fungus residing on your nails and toes gets destroyed. This home remedy is also effective in softening those unsightly, and often painful, corns and calluses.

How to Use Hydrogen Peroxide 3% Against Athlete’s Foot and Nail Infections

So you’ve got athlete’s foot, huh? Don’t panic! There are a few different methods of using [hp] as an athlete’s foot treatment that are easy and quick to execute.

Apply directly

The first option is to directly wipe the peroxide solution on your infected toenails or toes with a clean cloth or cotton swab. Apply 1-3 times daily.

Soak in a Foot Bath

The second option is to soak your feet in a hydrogen peroxide 3% foot bath. Simply mix one cup of hydrogen peroxide 3% with 1/2 cup of water in a bowl, stir well, and let it sit for five minutes. Soak the affected foot for 15 minutes. Bonus: Add some mineral salts or essential oils (lavender is an antiseptic!), turn on some music, and light a candle to turn your treatment into a relaxing spa-like experience. After your foot bath, rinse your foot with clean water, and dry it thoroughly.

Apply as a spray

Lastly, you can directly spray your feet with hydrogen peroxide 3% after bathing or showering, and before and after wearing shoes. Simply pour the peroxide solution into a spray bottle and spray it directly onto the affected areas. It’s also helpful to spray your bathtub floor with the hydrogen peroxide 3% after each use, as this will kill any fungi that could prevent repetitive re-infection.

Using Hydrogen Peroxide to Rid of Corns and Calluses

Corns and calluses can be caused by ill-fitting socks or shoes, repetitive movements in sports, and manual labor. No matter the cause, corns and calluses can cause discomfort—and aren’t pretty to look at either.
The good news is, you can easily soften corns and calluses by using a hydrogen peroxide 3% foot soak. Mix one cup of hydrogen peroxide 3% with 1/2 cup of water in a bowl, stir well, let the mixture sit for five minutes, and soak the affected foot for 15 minutes. You can also gently use a pumice stone or skin file to remove the excess dead skin that becomes soft during your foot bath.

Repeat this process as often as you’d like, but ideally several times a week to make consistent progress.

Don’t hesitate to try hydrogen peroxide 3%

While hydrogen peroxide 3% is a safe substance, it’s not recommended for long-term use, as it might cause skin irritation. However, you can rest assured that using it to treat your foot fungal woes is both safe and effective.

While these ailments won’t disappear overnight, patience, TLC, and a good dose of [hp] will go a long way in ridding you of these pesky conditions.

The next time you notice those familiar, uncomfortable signs of a fungal or nail infection, run yourself a hydrogen peroxide 3% foot bath with lavender, relax, and let it work its magic.


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