4 Ways to Improve the Air Quality in Your Home & Workplace Using Hydrogen Peroxide

How to Reduce Indoor Air Pollutants?

Did you know that the average person spends 90 percent of their time indoors, mostly in their home and place of work? While being in the comfort of our homes and offices has become the norm and keeps us sheltered from outdoor elements, spending most of our lives indoors also means being exposed to potentially harmful indoor air pollutants. On average, indoor concentrations of many pollutants are two to five times higher than typical outdoor concentrations.

Indoor Air Quality Flying Boy

What Are Indoor Air Pollutants and Are They Harmful?

Common indoor air pollutants include particulate matter, tobacco smoke, pet and human dander, mould, mildew, toxic chemicals from cleaning products, dust mites, bacteria, and viruses. Inadequate cleaning habits can lead to poor indoor air quality, which can cause allergies and respiratory issues in some people. Additionally, dust and other airborne irritants can get trapped inside of air conditioning and heating systems, causing polluted air to recirculate throughout your home or workspace. While children, the elderly, and people who have a history of allergies or respiratory issues, such as asthma, are more likely to experience symptoms related to indoor air quality, anyone—no matter their health status—can potentially be affected by continued exposure.

Indoor air quality is generally worse in the winter months because people tend to keep their windows and doors shut, which keeps allergens trapped inside and continuously circulating throughout indoor spaces.

How to Reduce Indoor Air Pollutants ?

While it might not be possible to eliminate all of the allergens inside your home and workplace, there’s a simple household cleaner, [op]—a food-grade hydrogen peroxide 3% solution—that can be used to reduce the number of circulating allergens and, consequently, the risk of allergies, respiratory issues, and other negative health effects. Today, we’re going to share four simple ways to improve your indoor air quality using hydrogen peroxide 3%.

1. Switch to Green Cleaning Products

The first step in reducing indoor air pollutants is getting rid of toxic cleaning products. Many traditional cleaning products release dangerous chemicals, including volatile organic compounds, which can irritate the eyes or throat, cause headaches, contribute to chronic respiratory problems, and stimulate allergies. While these heavy-duty cleaning products might work, they also worsen indoor air quality by releasing toxic chemicals. So, what should you use? One great option is hydrogen peroxide 3%. Hydrogen peroxide biodegrades into just water and oxygen and is a safe, non-toxic alternative to bleach and other chemical-laden cleaners. Despite its non-toxic nature, it’s very powerful and kills bacteria, viruses, mould spores, yeast, and fungi to help keep your indoor spaces and air clean.

2. Clean your Air Conditioning and Heating Filters

Air conditioning and heating systems are great for making us feel more comfortable in indoor spaces, but they can also lead to worsening air quality if not regularly cleaned. Small particles like pollen, mould spores, mildew, and dust mites can get trapped by air conditioning and heating filters and then released into the air when the system is turned on. By cleaning your filters with hydrogen peroxide 3% daily, you can greatly reduce the number of allergens circulating in your indoor air. Don’t worry—the process is simple. Simply spray hydrogen peroxide into your air conditioner or heater while it’s turned off, and then allow it to dry before turning the unit back on. This will kill any harmful microorganisms such as mould or mildew. For deeper monthly cleaning, remove the filters, vacuum them, and rinse them off with water.

3. Regularly Clean your Mattress, Furniture, Curtains, and Other Fabric Surfaces

If you have a mattress, curtains, carpets, and upholstered furniture in your house or workspace, you’re likely sharing your space with hundreds of thousands of microscopic insects called dust mites. While they don’t pose a threat to the average person, they can cause harm to those that suffer from allergies and respiratory issues. Whether you’re sensitive to dust mites or not, it’s important to reduce the number of these pests in your home and workplace to maintain a clean and healthy environment. The easiest and most effective way to reduce the number of dust mites in your indoor space is to use a steam cleaner with hydrogen peroxide 3%. Simply fill your steam cleaner’s reservoir with diluted hydrogen peroxide 3% solution and use it as you normally would. Dust mites don’t stand a chance against the heat from the steam and the antimicrobial action from the hydrogen peroxide.

4. Regularly Clean Surfaces

We all know that it’s important to regularly clean the surfaces in our homes and offices, but did you know that it also can help improve the indoor air quality? By using [oppepper] to clean your floors, counters, personal workspace, and any other surfaces, you can significantly reduce the number of pollutants circulating in your air. Known as Mother Nature’s cleaner, hydrogen peroxide will effectively kill bacteria, viruses, mould spores, yeast, and fungi to help keep your indoor spaces and air clean without the use of toxic chemicals.

The Bottom Line

Many people consider outdoor air pollution and how it can affect one’s health, but most fail to recognize indoor air pollutants as a potential health risk. By regularly and thoroughly cleaning your home and workspace with [op], you can drastically improve the quality of your indoor air and reduce the risk of allergies and respiratory issues.



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