Grow Healthy Roots, Prevent Root Rot Using Hydrogen Peroxide
Did you know that hydrogen peroxide is
not only an eco-friendly Garden
alternative but it has the added
benefits of also being anti-fungal as
well as adding extra oxygen into your
today I’m going to show you how I use
Good Clean Health Co Hydrogen Peroxide for
healthy root rot and to prevent
fungal infection
I’m first starting off making a little
concoction for my watering can inside we
are doing a ten to one water to hydrogen
peroxide ratio this little concoction is
going to help us provide and grow some
good healthy roots with our indoor house
once we’ve got our little concoction and
our watering can what we are now going
to do is give our plants a good heavy
thorough watering thanks to the extra
oxygen atom in our hydrogen peroxide it
helps our healthier root growth and
absorb nutrients by adding more oxygen
into the soil which helps our plants
intake and absorb nutrients a lot easier
hydrogen peroxide is a great tool for
rope rot is one of the reasons that our
plants seem to get this is the lack of
oxygen and that’s usually due to us over
watering having poorly drained soil
where our plants being too compact
there’s poor marble Queen I have is
sitting in very dense compact soil and
it’s having a little bit of a struggle
so what I have in my watering can is a
one-to-one ratio of water to hydrogen
peroxide I’m going to thoroughly give it
a water and what the hydrogen peroxide
is going to do is add more oxygen to the
roots and help the plant breathe a
little bit more and help with this
nutrients intakes and kill any fungal
infection which is what we need
the one thing we must remember when
we’re using these Solutions with our
hydrogen peroxide is between each
watering you need to make sure that you
need to thoroughly flush through all
that hydrogen peroxide and that other
watering that you have done beforehand
with just a regular straight water
that’s it nothing else don’t put
anything else in give your plants a
straight water and then after that with
your next solution if you’d like to
you’re more than welcome to pop more in
but you just need to wait before
waterings just give your plants a little
bit of a break let them chill out a
little bit and then add some more I
absolutely love using this solution I do
it with my plants all the time they
Thrive they love it I absolutely love
good clean health hydrogen peroxide
inside of my plants and I cannot without
a doubt go without it and neither can
they if you’ve tried it let us know in
the comments below if not we’ll see you
next tim